Flow & mass cytometry analytics.

Import the package:

import pytometry

This is the complete API reference:

Read/write (io)#

read_write.read_fcs(path[, reindex])

Read FCS file and convert into AnnData format.

Preprocessing (pp)#

preprocessing.split_signal(adata[, var_key, ...])

Method to filter out height or area data.

preprocessing.compensate(adata[, ...])

Computes compensation for data channels.

preprocessing.create_comp_mat(spillmat[, ...])

Creates a compensation matrix from a spillover matrix.

preprocessing.find_indexes(adata[, var_key, ...])

Find channels of interest for computing compensation.

Tools (tl)#

tools.normalize_arcsinh(adata[, cofactor, ...])

Inverse hyperbolic sine transformation.

tools.normalize_logicle(adata[, t, m, w, a, ...])

Logicle transformation.

tools.normalize_biExp(adata[, negative, ...])

Biexponential transformation.

tools.normalize_autologicle(adata[, ...])

Autologicle transformation.

Plotting (pl)#

plotting.plotdata(adata[, key, option, ...])

Creating histogram plot of channels from Anndata object.

plotting.scatter_density(adata[, x, y, ...])

Plots the cell density across two adata.obs.